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Founded in 1723 as a cooperative weaving mill along the banks of the Avoca river,  Avoca is Ireland's oldest weaving mill. They are the manufacturers of the famous Wicklow Mill throws.

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Avoca has changed hands many times since 1723, but it was under the management of the Wynne sisters that the brand enjoyed its heyday. By 1937, the Wynne sisters had bought the business and started further develop their designs. They introduced the use of vibrant colours and new weaving patterns. The surrounding countryside provided both inspiration and dye sources. In the walled garden of their family home, they grew plants to use for dyes. With these dyes, they created new colour combinations by twisting strands of wool fibre together with differing colour tones. The sisters creation of signature colour lines is still the brands signature today.

Sadly, by 1970 the Wynne sisters (Emily, Winifred and Veronica) had all passed, and without the sisters to run it, the mill had fallen into disrepair. By 1974, on a rainy day in March, Donald Pratt and his wife Hilary left their careers in law and teaching, and along with their five children, took over the old, leaking mill and its very empty order book. Slowly but surely the looms started humming again, and Avoca began to colour the world once more.